Free Credit Score - Where to get it
As for getting a free credit score, the CFPB recently released a list of companies: 1st United, American Express, Bank of America, Barclayca

Teaching Credit Classes for Soldiers
As told by: David L Winfrey, AFC Financial Counselor Soldier & Family Assistance Center, Fort Sam Houston Every month, I teach a military...

Teaching students about credit
Betty Ann Falkner is the Director of the Center for Smart Financial Choices. The non-profit formed in 2012 and currently serves Forsyth...

A Credit Curriculum That's a Fun, Easy & Effective Part of Adult Financial Education
"I didn't have a good curriculum for credit and didn't feel comfortable teaching about credit. I didn't know enough myself," says Joi...

A credit card game for credit classes
The Good Credit Game is more than a credit card game. It's a credit curriculum kit. It allows a financial educator to teach credit...

Teaching credit education classes: best practices
Credit education involves teaching people about credit reports, credit scores and credit cards. It helps people establish credit or...

Credit lesson plans to teach a credit class
The credit lesson plans in The Good Credit Game allow financial educators to teach great credit classes. Because of the challenges of...

A credit game for financial education classes
The Good Credit Game helps financial educators teach great credit classes. Although the credit curriculum contains a credit board game,...

Teaching credit classes for financial education
Teaching credit classes is part of a typical financial education program. This basic financial series usually also includes: Financial...

Credit games: teach about credit cards, credit scores & reports
Credit games make teaching about credit fun. The Good Credit Game is a credit curriculum kit that's built around a half-dozen credit...